Sunday, June 7, 2009

TRUE BEAUTY photo shoot

Last night I had my solo photo shoot for a project I've been working on with my friend Richard Chu. Here are some of my favorite from the night. This is Maria. She works at the laundry mat across the street from the Black Cat on 14th st. My building doesn't have laundry on site, so I go down the street to her. We've become buddies over the years. She met my mom once while she was in town. Every time I see her she asks me about my mom and says to tell her Maria says hi. I do every time.

I LOVE Snoop. If I could meet anyone in the world, I think it'd be him. This is a pic of Snoop I have hanging in my bathroom. This picture says a lot about me and my personality.

I collect things about Mary. The small things that I find cheap, I sometimes let my friends draw on. This was one of DEBT's additions to a small statue.

More at the laundry mat.

This is in my studio. I was showing them the posters I'm bringing to Colorado. This poster is one about Davy Rothbart of FOUND magazine.

We went out on a walk around my neighborhood. I brought some chalk. Me doing what I do best.

1 comment:

Moira said...

Love this! Maria is the best!