Monday, March 17, 2008


To do list for this week...

!. wake up and finish art whino URBAN BIRDS Triptych.
- finish sides and attach wire.

1 1/2 deliver pqaqintings

2. begin Farm Workers painting.

3. begin commission for Amy #2.

wed. live drawing at the red derby 6pm. filmed by ben.

4 paint

5 fri. date. with boy- show at black cat 930 pm. Art whino show- urban birds 7- 1030

6. CELEBRATE URBAN BIRDS deadline march 31... finish project....

7. document...document...document...

8. ***this art whino will rock for sure... one of DECOYink's new fav artist SCOTCH and FRIENDS from TEXAS will also be rocking it out. ****

Must be done by the time RELAX gets off work and has her car. Pray it doesn't rain, so we can carry a 4 foot by 4 foot to old town on top of the car.

It's alomost too much pigeon, I know...

Love Always, Palomo y Paloma

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